What is Dinner Church?
Dinner Church is a gathering that weaves worship and meal together. Think of it as a dinner party with a spiritual twist! Our hope is the dinner table will be a place where relationships are built, connections are made, the life and teachings of Jesus are shared, faith is cultivated, and lives are changed.

First Sunday of the Month
4:30pm – 7pm
What can I expect?
Our evening is centered around the meal and enjoying each other's company. After the meal, there will be a short story and discussion about Jesus. You are invited to stay and join us for that if you wish, but we won’t be offended if you leave!
What should I wear?
It’s a casual, come-as-you-are gathering.
Where should I park?
There is ample parking steps away from the entrance of Rise OC. We will have signs out marking the entrance.
Are kids welcome?
Of course! In fact, there are many families with young children in our community. Kids are invited to participate in the dinner. A separate program for preschool and grade school-age children will be provided during our discussion.
Will there be food?
Yes. It’s a potluck meal. Bring a dish to share!
Why have a dinner gathering?
The early church would often use the practice of sharing meals as a regular part of their fellowship and worship. It is our belief that eating together is at the heart of community building. Dinner church is a way to celebrate and ritualize our connectedness to one another and to Jesus.